December 3rd is Giving Tuesday—a chance to change the lives of countless animals!
Help Animals India is a USA non-profit 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to supporting efficient and effective animal protection organizations in India and Nepal.
We strive to put our donors’ contributions to work where they are most needed and can do the most good. Help Animals India develops close relationships with the NGOs and thereby ensures all donations given are transparent and and do the most good.

Support a Bloodless Gadhimai in Nepal
Sneha's Care, our dedicated grantee, is leading a vital campaign to end the Gadhimai festival—the world's largest animal sacrifice event, held every five years on the Nepal-India border. Thousands of buffaloes, goats, pigs, and ducks are brutally killed in horrific conditions. In 2019 alone, 5,500 buffaloes died, with countless others suffering.
But change is now possible. Thanks to years of activism, the 2019 Bloodless Gadhimai campaign succeeded in banning pigeon sacrifice for the first time in the festival's history. Your donation can also provide sanctuary and care for saved pigeons. This is just the beginning. With your support, we can continue working toward ending all animal sacrifice at Gadhimai and providing safe haven for more innocent creatures.
Join us in creating lasting change and ending this cycle of suffering.

Please join us in our ongoing efforts to help the animals in Lumbini, Nepal — the birthplace of the Buddha!
Since the visit of our Founder in 2022, Help Animals India has been dedicated to supporting the dogs and cows of Lumbini. Our work continues through daily rescues, a year-round clinic, and key initiatives such as spay/neuter programs, vaccinations for street dogs, and the protection and care of street cows. Each rescue represents a life touched, cared for, and given a chance at a better future.

Learn more about our work in the footsteps of the Buddha.
Our mission is fuelled by your generous support and is carried out in partnership with our grantee, @AnimalNepal.
Below illustration by Lasha Mutual - Buddha blesses all animals, teaching that they, too, possess "Buddha Nature" — the potential for enlightenment.

Help Animals India’s dedicated grantees, like Compassion Unlimited Plus Action - CUPA, Karuna Society for Animals and Nature and Animal Nepal rescue abandoned and abused donkeys, offering them a safe haven where they receive vital medical care and nutrition, socialise, live out their days in peace and dignity, and experience love, perhaps for the first time in their lives
Your support makes these transformations possible. By donating to Help Animals India, you're directly contributing to the rescue and lifelong care of these deserving animals!

From the bylanes of one of the world’s most ancient cities, Varanasi, we bring you a glimpse of our dedicated team in action. This photo features our amazing director, Ms. Ritika Singh Aashi (center), at Help Animals India’s main project—Varanasi for Animals. Here, she’s checking in on our dedicated volunteers, Chamunda ji (left) and Jenny (right), who are vaccinating, deworming, and caring for puppies. These pups will later receive vital spay/neuter surgeries and vaccinations as part of the life-saving work we do for hundreds of dogs each month. All of this is made possible thanks to the unwavering support of our incredible donors. Thank you for your generosity!

We were thrilled to have the opportunity to fundraise at one of Seattle’s leading tech companies! Pictured here are our Founding Director, Eileen Weintraub (left), and Board Member, Santosh Kalyankrishnan (right), making a compelling case to help save, protect, and improve the lives of animals across the world."
With deepest gratitude and appreciation from the Help Animals India team, our colleagues in India and Nepal, and the animals we love and serve.