Compassion rules! A mid-summer update for you.
Dear friend of India and Nepal's animals:
We hope this update finds you well! Here are some recent heartwarming stories that donations from people like you make possible, thank you for your support!

Help Animals India grantee @TeamPrayas (Surat) is doing a fantastic job helping needy animals in and around Surat, Gujarat not only providing medical aid but also fostering emotional recovery among the animals they help. Showing that even in tough times, friends make it better —a monkey rescued from a charmer, an injured pup with a fracture, and a lone orphaned pup. In their play, they discover a shared language of belonging and highlight the incredible resilience and capacity for healing that animals have, especially when given the chance.

From way South India grantee @Karuna Society for Animals and Nature the animals reach the first aid clinic by all different means, every day: by rickshaw, bicycle, car and walking. Karuna is a large hard working animal sanctuary for every type of animals needs our help — and we help them all!

Elephants enjoying their new freedom ... some of those whom we help support through the WRRC centre near Bangalore. Freed from chains and abuse, now to wander and dream with new green of the rains finally arriving after unheard of high temperatures across India! We will share some interesting developments soon ... of elephants and robots!

Justice prevails! India's Supreme Court upholds the rights of street dogs. Time to prioritize ethical animal management.This is a major victory for compassion and reason. The Court has clearly stated that killing street dogs is not the answer. It's time to focus on sterilization, vaccination, and responsible pet owners
This news aligns with our mission to promote animal welfare and support organizations working on the ground to implement ethical animal birth control programs.
Your support helps us continue advocating for and implementing humane solutions for street dogs across India. Together, we can create a world where every life is valued and protected. #AnimalWelfare #HumaneIndia #DogsLivesMatter
How can these decisions be best instituted and uphold?
With Spay & Neuter: To Transform lives - with our project in the ancient city of Varanasi!
This is a step towards a brighter future for our furry friends. Varanasi for Animals is leading the charge against overpopulation by sterilizing a remarkable 10 community dogs every single day. Learn more about India’s community dogs here.
By providing essential sterilization surgeries, we're not just reducing the number of unwanted puppies; we're also improving the overall health and well-being of our canine companions. Spayed and neutered dogs are less likely to roam, fight, or contract diseases.
Our dedicated team picks up community dogs from various locations, performs the surgery, and returns them to their familiar territory after a short recovery period. A tiny ear piercing serves as a proud symbol of their contribution to a better community.
Join us in transforming lives. Your donation can help us continue this vital work and create a more humane world for our four-legged friends.

Help Animals India is also making a significant impact through special projects like the one at DGAS - Darjeeling and Kalimpong Goodwill Animal Shelter). Your generous donations are directly funding the sterilization of an additional 300 community dogs and cats! Together, we're creating a healthier and happier future for these beloved animals.

Dr. Uttam, a compassionate veterinarian, is a driving force behind Rahaat for Animals, a vegan sanctuary in Dehradun.His unwavering dedication to animal welfare is truly inspiring. At Rahaat, Dr. Uttam provides a sanctuary for animals in need and promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle.
Thanks to the invaluable support of @HelpAnimalsIndia, Dr. Uttam and Rahaat for Animals are making a significant difference. Together, they're creating a haven for animals and inspiring countless people to embrace compassion and veganism. Their work is a testament to the power of human kindness.
Thanks for reading! We wish you all the best in your efforts to bring happiness and comfort to all!
With deepest gratitude and appreciation from the Help Animals India team, our colleagues in India and Nepal, and the animals we love and serve.
Help Animals India grants your kind donations to both well-established and emerging animal protection groups who confront daunting obstacles every day in their mission to rescue, shelter and fight for the rights of animals. We work closely with these groups and vouch for their courage, compassion and determination. Our guidance and your donations helps them improve their missions and operations so they can maximize their effectiveness as advocates for and defenders of all animals.