Earthquake in Nepal and lots more news
Dear Friend of India and Nepal's animals!
We hope you are doing well. We are ever grateful for your ongoing interest and support. The animal world's troubles may seem endless, but compassion never takes a holiday.
Since the mid-east war began donations are way down BUT we are pleased that no one has cancelled their recurring donations! We are so thankful for this.
We are busy planning our year end grants and aim to help as many groups as we can. We'd like to update you on a few of our projects.
Last week a 6.4 earthquake hit Western Nepal killed at least 157 people, injured scores and left thousands homeless when it struck just before midnight, unleashing landslides and collapsing homes in an area of steep slopes centered around the district of Jajarkot.
Jajarkot is a deprived area with no modes of proper transportation. It is 624 km away from Kathmandu and is a hilly place. As the earthquake occurred during night time, people usually tie up their animals which is the reason many animals could not run for their life and were buried under the rubble. More than 800 animals have lost their lives and thousands are injured. The Government and many NGOs are helping the people over there but no one is thinking about the lives of animals. To help the animals in need, Sneha’s Care and Animal Nepal have decided to reach in the affected area along with the experienced technical teams. The need is exceptionally dire. The region's harsh, cold conditions only emphasize the urgency of our mission. We firmly believe that creating temporary shelters for these animals isn't just essential; it's a lifeline. Additionally, providing essential supplies such as medical aid for the injured, nutritious cattle feeds, and warm blankets is crucial for their survival.
Help Animals India is supporting rescue and relief projects as we can, will you join us, is so, please donate any amount and in the note please put "earthquake in Nepal."
Relatively nearby Jajarkot is our project in Lumbini, Buddha's birthplace, we are pleased to share this charming video of our progress there:
Nepal is the only country in the world where dog are worshipped in an auspicious day of Tihar as "Kukur Puja" coming up soon. However, in such religious country there are still thousands of them suffering from hunger and neglect.
See how our grantee is honoring our beloved doggies on this day!
Back to India: Our 10th annual Sarnath ABC (animal birth control) camp just completed with a huge success for 400 dogs, wow! We were honored to have a visit from the main funders of this project, the Bardot Foundation all the way from France!
Unlike many small villages in India in Sarnath (just north of our project for Varanasi's animals) you will NOT see run over puppies, dogs with terrible mange, children fearful of rabies. That is because rescues go on also year round and education camps for childrenin the schools and on the street too! Something you see with our ABC camp that you rarely see other places, is that many of the dogs do not have to be caught with nets. They know and trust the people who now care for them since the number of village dogs is no longer too great.

Help Animals India is supporting the Darjeeling/Kalimpong Goodwill shelter. This includes their recent ABC projects for community dogs and cats.

Above: waiting to bring in their community dogs and cats at the Help Animals India sponsored clinic for spay/neuter!

And we funded the recent flooding relief project for help to the animals in nearby Sikkim.
Rescues in flash flood affected areas - Melli and Teesta, Kalimpong Animal Shelter
Our long time grantee is the fabulous vegan animal shelter Rahaat for Animals, Dehra Dun. They write:
Support for building projects is crucial to providing quality life to in house and other animals. This is where Help Animals India has always stepped in. They help us create safe living spaces for our life rescues. With their recent donations, we were finally able to fence off the entire hospital campus. Slaughter rescues are very vulnerable in an open campus but now our #liferescues can get to enjoy a bigger, and safer, area to relax and graze. One of these goats was rescued few days back. He was to be slaughtered to celebrate a child's birthday. Imagine, from an almost horrifying end to a life in a sanctuary ! You can always help us look after their day to day needs of our resident animals as well.

November 1st was World Vegan Day, we celebrate not just a dietary choice, but a lifestyle dedicated to compassion, sustainability, and kindness to all sentient beings. 🌿❤️
But veganism is more than just what's on our plate. It's about recognizing the interconnectedness of all life and striving to make choices that reflect our commitment to a kinder, more sustainable world. 🌳🌊

All NGO's on the map above received a grant this year or last and we aim to continue to help as many as we can!
With deepest gratitude and appreciation from the Help Animals India team, our colleagues in India and Nepal, and the animals!