News Updates – Help Animals India - Saving India's Forgotten Animals

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  • Important new project, vaccines, and our work continues!

    September 8, 2021

    This has been a year riddled with challenges and loss. The new wave of the pandemic has devastated families and has taken a heavy toll on the countries of India/Nepal as a whole. More →

  • Summer 2021 update: people, elephants, cows, dogs, cats, and a horse!

    July 12, 2021

    India's animals have strong local allies who are dedicated to their animal welfare organizations. Help Animals India seeks out the best of these under-funded organizations to provide financial and practical assistance where it can make the most difference. More →

  • We felt we had to say something... emergency and other news!

    May 3, 2021

    You have read the news (see way below for an updated report) and maybe you have wondered how the animal groups are fairing during the latest lockdowns and curfews. The street animals (and marginalized people!) suffer so with the business being closed and people are afraid or not allowed to come out of their house! More →

  • Spring update and appeals

    April 8, 2021

    As India goes through the "second wave" we pray the lockdowns won't be as severe as a year ago. The street animals (and marginalized people!) suffer so with the business being closed. More →

  • Updates from North India ... a matching fund and some great news!

    February 11, 2021

    Good news for elephants and animals in India overall, plus bird rescues. More →

  • Why support to India's animals is needed now

    December 17, 2020

    We are so grateful to you all for reading this in 2020. The good news is no secret that we will soon have 2021 and certainly a much better year! More →

  • Humane superheroes saving animals all year long!

    November 15, 2020

    We fervently hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during these trying times. During Help Animals India most challenging year yet we continue with street animal feeding programs continue for animals of all types! More →

  • Masks, lockdown, and some good news

    September 8, 2020

    The number of animals being affected by Covid lockdown in India/Nepal is beyond imagination. We are very grateful to all who are helping as they can. We are sorry to report desperate pleas from so many groups and animal shelters. More →

  • Great news and more challenges, please read!

    July 13, 2020

    Great News: July 2020 - Dog Meat is now officially banned in Nagaland! We joined the email campaign requested by Smt. Maneka Gandhi of People for Animals - 125,000 emails were sent in 3 days! Result - Government Officials have agreed to a ban! More →

  • Super Cyclone - How We Are Helping!

    May 27, 2020

    When our second "India on lockdown" email went out last week we didn't know if we should include the scary news of the super cyclone approaching as we didn't want to overwhelm people. We were not sure how we could help. Since then we have been hard at work forming new partnerships of how to help the beleaguered city of Kolkata and the great animal rescuers there. More →

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